SUNDAY EVENING | Quantum Information I |
L. Orozco - SUNY Stony Brook - Discussion Leader
- D. Wineland - NIST
"Deterministic entanglement, quantum measurement, and fighting the evil decoherence of trapped atomic ions"
- P. Jessen - Univ. of Arizona
"Quantum control and quantum logic in optical lattices"
MONDAY MORNING | Tests of Fundamental Symmetries |
R. Walsworth - Harvard-Smithsonian - Discussion Leader
- A. Kostelecky - Indiana Univ.
"Lorentz and CPT violation: theory and prospects"
- L. Hunter - Amherst College
"Lead oxide and the electron edm"
- M. Romalis - Univ. of Washington
"Search for new sources of CP violation using 199Hg and liquid 129Xe"
MONDAY EVENING | Ultrafast Phenomena |
B. Walker - Univ. of Delaware - Discussion Leader
- I. Walmsley - Univ. of Rochester
"Ultrafast quantum control for quantum technologies"
- P. Corkum - NRC Canada
"Attosecond science"
TUESDAY MORNING | Quantum Information II |
I. Deutsch - Univ. of New Mexico - Discussion Leader
- H. Mabuchi - Cal. Tech.
"Real-time feedback for quantum measurement and control"
- D. DiVincenzo - IBM
"Prospects for solid state quantum computing"
- G. Milburn - Univ. of Queensland
"Efficient quantum computation with linear optics"
TUESDAY EVENING | Bose Einstein Condensation |
S. Stringari - Univ. of Trento - Discussion Leader
- J. Dalibard - ENS, Paris
"Potating Bose-Einstein condensates"
- E. Cornell - JILA (Alexander M. Cruickshank Lecture)
"BEC results from JILA"
WEDNESDAY MORNING | Cold Atoms and Molecules |
H. Sadeghpour - Harvard -Smithsonian - Discussion Leader
- H. Katori - Univ. of Tokyo
"Narrow-line laser cooling of atoms toward quantum degeneracy"
- P. Gould - Univ. of Connecticut
"A recipe for ultracold molecules: Two atoms + laser light"
- V. Vuletic - Stanford Univ.
"Cavity Doppler cooling: towards laser cooling of light scatterers?"
WEDNESDAY EVENING | Rydbergs and Recombination |
C. L. Cocke - Kansas State Univ. - Discussion Leader
- F. Robicheaux - Auburn Univ.
"Electron motion inside atoms"
- T. Gallagher - Univ. of Virginia
"Spontaneous evolution of cold Pydberg atoms"
THURSDAY MORNING | Quantum Degenerate Gases |
W. Phillips - NIST - Discussion Leader
- W. Ketterle - MIT
"Spinning and shaping condensates with laser beams"
- K. Corwin - ENS, Paris
"Experiments with degenerate Fermi gases"
- A. Browaeys - Institut d'Optique, Orsay
"BEC in metastable He"
THURSDAY EVENING | Applications of Lasers in Atomic Physics |
M. Murnane - JILA - Discussion Leader
- G. Cates - Univ. of Virginia
"New directions in medical imaging and polarized nuclear targets using spin-exchange optical pumping"
- J. Ye - NIST
"Coherent synthesis of optical frequencies and waveforms"