Conference Description
The Auditory System GRS provides a unique forum for young doctoral and post-doctoral researchers to present their work, discuss new methods, cutting edge ideas, and pre-published data, as well as to build collaborative relationships with their peers. Experienced mentors and trainee moderators will facilitate active participation in scientific discussion to allow all attendees to be engaged participants rather than spectators.
The 2024 seminar will encompass all aspects of auditory and vestibular system research with an emphasis on integrative research that combines molecular, cellular, systems, or cognitive neuroscience approaches to further our understanding of these systems. The seminar is small by design to foster new relationships through a series of short talks, interactive poster sessions, and fun networking events.
The Auditory System GRS is a prelude to a larger, five-day (July 14-19) Gordon Research Seminar (GRC) designed for all researchers engaged in auditory research. GRS attendees are strongly encouraged to attend the subsequent GRC. Talks will be selected from submitted abstracts and anchored by a keynote address by an invited mentor participant.