Conference Description
The Barrier Function of Mammalian Skin GRC is a premier, international scientific conference focused on advancing the frontiers of science through the presentation of cutting-edge and unpublished research, prioritizing time for discussion after each talk and fostering informal interactions among scientists of all career stages. The conference program includes a diverse range of speakers and discussion leaders from institutions and organizations worldwide, concentrating on the latest developments in the field. The conference is five days long and held in a remote location to increase the sense of camaraderie and create scientific communities, with lasting collaborations and friendships. In addition to premier talks, the conference has designated time for poster sessions from individuals of all career stages, and afternoon free time and communal meals allow for informal networking opportunities with leaders in the field.
Mammalian skin provides a critical barrier interface between the body and the external environment. For 35 years the Barrier Function of Mammalian Skin GRC has been the premiere and leading scientific meeting of interdisciplinary topics focused on the skin barrier and its role in both health and disease. The overarching theme of the 2025 conference is “Technologies and platforms for understanding, modeling and intervening in skin barrier function and disorders”. The intent is to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, and clinical practitioners in basic and applied sciences related to skin health and disease. The conference has a focus on biological and biophysical aspects of the skin barrier, while also including new scientific understanding and technology associated with topical delivery of medicines into and through the skin barrier. Some of the major topics of the 2025 conference program will include diversity in skin types and barriers, novel topical drug delivery approaches, roles of adnexa and skin sub-compartments in skin health and disorders, genetics and epigenetics of skin barrier disorders, extra-dermal influences on skin barrier, and artificial intelligence/machine learning approaches to better understand and model the skin barrier.
The conference will bring together diverse scientists, prominent leaders, young investigators, and trainees from academia and industry. Through podium presentations, discussions, and poster presentations, conference attendees will be exposed to the most recent and groundbreaking updates in major themes relating to the skin barrier function. In addition to presentations from prominent leaders in skin barrier research, early-stage trainees and students are supported during the conference. This is achieved through dedicated time in each session that is reserved for presentations from abstracts submitted by students and trainees at early career stages. This approach promotes diversity in the presenters and scientific content and assures that the latest developments in skin barrier are represented. The poster sessions and discussion time following presentations will provide ample opportunities for formal and informal scientific discussion. We will hold a Power Hour to promote discussion about challenges that members of our scientific community face in their careers working on the epidermal barrier. This session will facilitate dialogue about approaches to overcoming these challenges, and discussing new avenues to foster a diverse and inclusive skin research community.
The topics, speakers, and discussion leaders for the conference sessions are displayed below. The conference chair is currently developing their detailed program, which will include the complete meeting schedule, as well as the talk titles for all speakers. The detailed program will be available by April 12, 2025. Please check back for updates.
New Insights into Genomic/Phenotypic Causative Mechanisms
Discussion Leaders
Novel Strategies For Addressing Skin/Systemic Disorders
Discussion Leaders
Adnexa in Disease and Disorder (Inflammation and Immunology)
Discussion Leaders
Adnexa in Skin Health and Native Function
Discussion Leaders
Extra-Dermal Influences on Skin Barrier
Discussion Leaders
Bioactive Compounds - Impact on and Treatment of Skin Barrier
Discussion Leaders
Pigmentation Disorders
Discussion Leaders
Genetics and Epigenetics in Skin Barrier Disorders
Discussion Leaders
Identifying the Limitless Boundaries of Skin Barrier Research
Discussion Leaders
The GRC Power Hour™