Conference Description
The DNA Damage, Mutation and Cancer GRS provides a unique forum for young doctoral and post-doctoral researchers to present their work, discuss new methods, cutting edge ideas, and pre-published data, as well as to build collaborative relationships with their peers. Experienced mentors and trainee moderators will facilitate active participation in scientific discussion to allow all attendees to be engaged participants rather than spectators.
This meeting focuses on teasing out fundamental mechanisms driving genome instability, such as DNA replication, damage responses and repair pathways, interplay with DNA secondary structures and chromatin accessibility, clinically impactful mutations in cancer, and highlighting novel cancer therapeutics that exploit these pathways and mutations. This will take place in a highly engaging and relaxed environment to promote early career scientists to exchange ideas, network, and interact with our invited panel of successful academic and industry professionals. Young scientists from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply to present their work at this seminar and be a part of the vibrant genome maintenance research community.
An outline of the program components for this GRS is displayed below. The seminar chair is currently developing their detailed program schedule, which will include the speakers they select from submitted abstracts, in addition to any additional components outlined below. The detailed program will be available by January 9, 2024. Please check back for updates.
Keynote Speaker
Cynthia Burrows (University of Utah, United States)
- To Be Selected from Submitted Abstracts
Discussion Leaders
- To Be Selected from Submitted Abstracts
Mentorship Component
- "Navigating Career Independence"
Jeremy Stark (City of Hope, United States)
Shan Zha (Columbia University, United States)