August 10, Sunday Evening, 7:30 p.m.
7:30 Welcoming remarks
Epigenetic effects in fungi
- 7:45 Discussion Leader: Eric Selker
- 7:50 Eric Selker, University of Oregon - "Repeat-induced and repeat-associated gene silencing in Neurospora"
- 8:25 Godeleine Faugeron, Universite Paris-Sud -"Control
of DNA methylation in Ascobolus"
9:00 Break
- 9:20 Amar Klar, National Cancer Institute, Frederick,
MD - "An epigenetic mechanism regulates silencing, directionality, and
recombination suppression in the mating-type region of fission yeast"
- 9:55 David Shore, Université de Genéve, Switzerland,
"Telomeres and regulation of transcriptional silencing in yeast"
10:30 end session, social in snack bar
August 11, Monday Morning, 8:30 a.m.
8:30 Photo
Position effect 9:00 - 12:30
- 9:00 Discussion Leader: Jim Haber
- 9:05 Jim Haber, Brandeis University, Waltham,
MA - "A chromosome response element in yeast controls recombination
along an entire chromosome arm in response to cell type"
- 9:40 Robin Allshire, MRC, Edinburgh, UK - "Epigenetic effects
mediated by histone acetylation, on fission yeast centromere function"
- 10:15 Richard Festenstein, Mill Hill, London - "Locus Control
Region function and Heterochromatin: Suppression and Enhancement of Position Effect Variegation in transgenic mice"
10:35 Break
- 11:05 Peter Meyer, University of Leeds, UK - "Induction
of de novo methylation and PEV in transgenic plants"
- 11:40 Marjori Matzke, Austrian Acedemy of Sciences,
Salzburg, Austria - "Genomic context and transgene expression in tobacco"
12:30 Lunch
Poster session 4:00-6:00 Odd-numbered posters
August 11, Monday Evening, 7:30 p.m.
Chromatin structure and gene function
- 7:30 Discussion Leader: Alan Wolffe
- 7:35 Alan Wolffe, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD - "Impact on chromatin structure and function"
- 8:10 Wendy Bickmore, MRC, Edinburgh, UK -
"Heritable states of the vertebrate genome"
8:45 Break
- 9:10 John Tamkum, University of California, Santa Cruz,
CA - "Chromatin remodeling factors and the control of cell fate in
- 9:45 Jeannie Lee, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA - "Molecular and functional analysis of the mammalian X-inactivation center"
- 10:05 Emma Whitelaw
- Univ of Sydney, Australia - "Inherited epigenetic modification of a murine transgene"
10:25 end session
August 12, Tuesday Morning, 9:00
Paramutation and gene silencing in maize
- 9:00 Discussion Leader: Vicki Chandler
- 9:05 Vicki Chandler, University of Oregon,
Eugene, OR - "Paramutation at the b and pl loci in maize: allelic
interactions that lead to altered transcription states"
- 9:40 Karen Cone, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
- "Epigenetic regulation of phenotypic variegation of the maize p1 gene"
- 10:15 Bill Eggleston, Virginia Commonwealth
University, Richmond, VA - "Organization of paramutagenicity at the
maize r locus"
10:50 Break
- 11:15 Elsbeth Walker, University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, MA - "Structural analysis of paramutation at the r locus"
- 11:50 Jo Messing, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ -
"Allele-specific demethylation in Maize"
12:30 Lunch
August 12, Tuesday Evening, 7:30 p.m.
Gene silencing and methylation in animals
- 7:30 Discussion Leader: Tim Bestor
- 7:35 Tim Bestor, Columbia University, New York, NY -
"Methylation and silencing of retroviruses and other invasive sequences
in mammals"
- 8:10 Sally Cross, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, UK -
"Proteins that bind to methylated DNA"
8:45 Break
- 9:10 Charles Laird, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research
Center, Seattle, WA - "Inheritance of methylation states in human cells illustrated by the gene FMR1"
- 9:45 Hunt Willard, Case Western Reserve University Sch
Med, Cleveland, OH - "Genetics and epigenetics of human X chromosome inactivation"
10:20 end session
August 13, Wednesday Morning, 9:00 a.m.
Gene silencing and methylation in plants
- 9:00 Discussion Leader: Nina Fedoroff
- 9:05 Nina Fedoroff, The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA - "Epigenetic regulation of the maize Spm transposon"
- 9:40 Jean Finnegan, Plant Industry CSIRO, Camberra,
Australia - "Plants with reduced levels of 5 methylcytosine show
abnormal development and aberrant gene expression"
- 10:15 Steve Jacobsen, Caltech, Pasadena, CA - "SUPERMAN
epi-alleles reveal a novel methylation system in plants"
10:35 Break
- 11:05 Rob Martienssen, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,
Cold Spring Harbor, NY - "The role of transposons in epigenetic mechanisms
of gene regulation in plants"
- 11:40 Judith Bender, Johns Hopkins Univeristy, Baltimore,
MD - "Epigenetic control of endogenous genes in Arabidopsis"
12:30 Lunch
Poster session 4:00-6:00 Even-numbered posters
August 13, Wednesday Evening, 7:30 p.m.
Gene silencing at ectopic sites
- 7:30 Discussion Leader: Richard Flavell
- 7:35 Richard Flavell, John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK -
"Cosuppression of chalcone synthase genes in petunia"
- 8:10 David Baulcombe, Norwich Research Park, Norfolk,
UK - "RNA as a mediator of gene silencing in plants"
8:45 Break
- 9:10 Jim Birchler, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
- "Cosuppression-like silencing in Drosophila"
- 9:45 Jan Kooter, Vjire University, Amsterdam, Neth. -"Post-
transcriptional silencing and transgene repeats"
- 10:05 Jenny Hsieh, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Baltimore, MD - "A gene silencing phenomenon in the soma of Caenorhabditis elegans"
10:25 end session
August 14, Thursday Morning, 9:00 a.m.
Parental imprinting in mammals
- 9:00 Discussion Leader: Shirley Tilghman
- 9:05 Shirley Tilghman, Lewis Thomas Laboratory,
Princeton, NJ - "Genomic imprinting on mouse Chromosome 7"
- 9:40 Denise Barlow, The Netherlands Cancer Institute,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands - "Making sense of imprinting at the mouse
and human IGF2R loci"
- 10:15 Marc Lalande, Children's Hospital, Boston,
MA - "Genomic imprinting and gene duplications in human chromosome 15q"
10:50 Break
- 11:15 Keith Latham, Fels Institute for Cancer Research
and Molecular Biology, Temple University School of Medicine,
Philadelphia, PA - "Post-fertilization aspects of genomic imprinting and
its effects in the preimplantation mouse embryo
- 11:50 Azim Surani, Wellcome/CRC Institute, Cambridge,
UK - "Modifications of allele-specific parental imprints in the mouse germ
12:30 Lunch
Social and Poster session 4:00-6:00
August 14, Thursday Evening, 7:30 p.m.
7:30 Business meeting
Epigenetic effects in Drosophila
- 7:45 Discussion Leader: Vincenzo Pirrotta
- 7:50 Vincenzo Pirrotta, University of Geneva,
Switzerland, "Polycomb complexes and repressed states of homeotic
genes in flies"
- 8:25 Ting Wu, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
MA - "Studies of transvection in Drosophila melanogaster"
8:45 Break
- 9:10 Lori Wallrath, University of Iowa, Iowa City - "
Mechanisms of position-effect variegation in Drosophila"
- 9:45 Steve Henikoff, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research
Center, Seattle, WA - "Heterochromatic associations and gene silencing
in Drosophila"
10:20 end session
Friday Morning, Depart Holderness