Conference Description
The Nitric Oxide GRC is a premier, international scientific conference focused on advancing the frontiers of science through the presentation of cutting-edge and unpublished research, prioritizing time for discussion after each talk and fostering informal interactions among scientists of all career stages. The conference program includes a diverse range of speakers and discussion leaders from institutions and organizations worldwide, concentrating on the latest developments in the field. The conference is five days long and held in a remote location to increase the sense of camaraderie and create scientific communities, with lasting collaborations and friendships. In addition to premier talks, the conference has designated time for poster sessions from individuals of all career stages, and afternoon free time and communal meals allow for informal networking opportunities with leaders in the field.
The 2025 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Nitric Oxide marks a significant milestone, celebrating 30 years of groundbreaking research and collaborative scientific exchange. This special anniversary edition, themed "NO and Sulfide in Redox Signaling and Medicine," is designed to highlight cutting-edge advancements in the nitric oxide (NO) field, its interaction with the newly born sulfide field, and how these molecules continue to push the boundaries of science and medicine. This conference is designed to provide a unique opportunity for scientists from diverse fields and at diverse stage of their career to share unpublished findings, discuss novel opportunities, and foster collaborations, thereby advancing our understanding and application of NO and sulfide in health and disease. Invited speakers include experts in chemistry, physiology, pharmacology, and redox medicine.