The 2014 Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) on Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation will bring together early-career scientists to present and discuss their work on all aspects of gene regulation at the level of RNA. The focus of this meeting will be on the post-transcriptional processes that influence gene expression, including elongation, pre-mRNA splicing, polyadenylation, export, translation, and decay of mRNA, and how these processes become deregulated during disease. The seminar will cover a broad range of methodological approaches, such as cell and molecular biology, genomics, imaging techniques, biochemistry, structural biology, bioinformatics, and animal models. The overall goal of this meeting is to provide a forum for graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, and other young investigators to interact in a highly engaging environment that facilitates networking and the establishment of collaborations. The meeting will also allow young researchers to interact with senior investigators from the associated Gordon Research Conference, which takes place directly after the GRS.
The meeting will convene approximately 10 speakers presenting cutting-edge research, with talks chosen from abstract submissions. Presentation sessions will include abundant time for discussion in an informal, collegial atmosphere. In addition, the GRS will hold a poster session to enable all participants the opportunity to present and receive feedback on their work. The relaxed and sociable atmosphere of the meeting, with scheduled presentation sessions and the chance to engage in more informal interactions during breaks and in the evenings, will provide a unique environment for young scientists to exchange ideas in a non-intimidating atmosphere of their peers.