1. Mon AM - Present Understanding of Deformation in the Earth
Discussion Leader: Gloria Eisenstadt - Mobil Research and Development Co.
Harry Green - University of California, Riverside - "The view from the laboratory"
Stefan Schmid - Basel, Switzerland - "The view from the field"
Marc Parmentier - Brown University - "The view from the office"
2. Mon Night - Ductile Flow Laws: The Laboratory Perspective
Discussion Leader: Arlo Fossum - RE/SPEC Inc.
3. Tue AM - Ductile Deformation: Bulk vs. Localized
Discussion Leader: Shun Karato - University of Minnesota-
Ernie Rutter - University of Manchester - "Observations of crustal rocks"
Adolphe Nicolas - Montpellier, France - "Observations of mantle rocks"
Brad Hager - MIT - "Theoretical considerations"
4. Tue Night - Do Laboratory-Based Flow Laws Quantitatively Describe Flow in the Earth?
Discussion Leader: Ziqiong Zheng - Terra Tek Inc.
Richard Peltier - University of Toronto - "Evidence from post-glacial rebound"
Dan Schultz-Ela - Bureau of Economic Geology, Texas - "Evidence from observations on flow of salt"
5. Wed AM - Constitutive Laws for Rock Friction
Discussion Leader: Jim Dieterich - U. S. Geological Survey
Nick Beeler - Brown University - "What laws are best?"
Chris Marone - MIT - "The influence of gouge on behavior"
Toshi Shimomoto - University of Tokyo - "Behavior at high velocity and across the brittle-plastic transition"
6. Wed Night - Do Laboratory-Based Constitutive Laws Adequately Describe Faulting in the Earth?
Discussion Leader: Peter Bird - UCLA
7. Thur AM - The Brittle Ductile Transition
Discussion Leader: Brian Evans - MIT
Teng-Fong Wong - SUNY, Stonybrook - "The view from experiments and theory"
Florain Lehner - Royal Dutch Shell - "The role of pressure solution"
Jim Evans - Utah State University - "What the rocks show"
8. Thur Night - How Weak are Faults and Why?
Discussion Leader: Kevin Furlong - Pennsylvania State University
9. Fri AM - Outstanding Questions and How to Approach Them
Discussion Leader: Fred Dula - ARCO Exploration and Production Technology
Fred Chester - St. Louis University - "What should we do next in the lab?"
Ron Bruhn - University of Utah - "What more can we learn from the earth?"
Roger Buck - Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory - "Can we merge the lab and observational views?"