Conference Description
The Speciation GRS provides a unique forum for young doctoral and post-doctoral researchers to present their work, discuss new methods, cutting edge ideas, and pre-published data, as well as to build collaborative relationships with their peers. Experienced mentors and trainee moderators will facilitate active participation in scientific discussion to allow all attendees to be engaged participants rather than spectators.
This two-day meeting is followed by the Gordon Research Conference on Speciation co-chaired by Dan Bolnick, Jonna Kulmuni, and Rike Stelkens, and participants are strongly encouraged to attend both meetings.
Integration and synthesizing across a variety of systems and approaches in modern speciation research has been an important focus of the past meetings and will continue to be in this edition. In particular, this meeting will place emphasis on bringing together biologists that study detailed proximate / mechanistic processes (e.g., genetic, developmental, neurobiological, physiological, ecological) that are pertinent to our understanding of speciation with biologists who primarily focus on speciation and macroevolution. By bringing together researchers who study proximate mechanisms of divergence and researchers who study ultimate outcomes for biodiversity, we hope to broaden the speciation research community while generating new insights and collaborations.
An outline of the program components for this GRS is displayed below. The seminar chair is currently developing their detailed program schedule, which will include the speakers they select from submitted abstracts, in addition to any additional components outlined below. The detailed program will be available by December 31, 2024. Please check back for updates.