Sunday Evening: New Technologies and Emerging Applications
Chair: Kishore Mohanty
- New reservoir definition tools, measurements and their interpretation
T.S. Ramakrishnan, Schlumberger-Doll Research Center
- NMR and GPR: Imaging on the micro- and mega-scale
Rosemary Knight, University of British Columbia
Monday Morning: Pore -Scale Phenomena
Chair: Olga Vizika
- Pore-Scale Modeling
Paul-Eric Oren, Statoil A/S
- Three phase flow and wettability: how pore scale physics influences relative permeability
Martin Blunt, Stanford University
- Dissipative Particle Dynamics
Steven van der Marck, Shell International Exploration & Production BV
Monday Evening: Quantitative Geological Descriptions
Chair: Jim Jennings
- Quantifying carbonate geological systems
Charles Kerans, University of Texas - Austin
- Quantifying bedding styles in sedimentary systems
Phil Ringrose, Statoil Research Centre
Tuesday Morning: Biogeochemistry
Chair: Linda Abriola
- Physical chemistry of surfactant-enhanced oil and NAPL recovery
Clarence Miller, Rice University
- Biogeochemistry of contaminated subsurface systems
Phil BennettUniversity f Texas - Austin
- Interphase mass transfer
Peter Grathwohl, University of Tübingen
Tuesday Evening: Fractured Systems
Chair: Jane Long
- Analysis of dynamical character of fluid flow in unsaturated fractures
Maria Draglia, University of Nevada - Reno
- Multiphase flow in fractures
Bernie Kueper, Queen's University
Wednesday Morning: Characterization, Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty
Chair: Jim Yeh
- Incorporating multiple data sources in inverse modeling
Roland Horne, Stanford University
- Geologic Heterogeneity and Transport: Markov/Transition Probability Approach, Connectivity, and Role of Diffusion
Graham Fogg, UC Davis
- A scenario-based approach to managing subsurface uncertainty
Mark Bentley, Shell International Exploration and Production
Wednesday Evening: Upscaling and Downscaling
Chair: John Cushman
- Concentration fluctations in transport by groundwater: theory, simulations and field experiments
Qiang Zhang, City University of Hong kong (SUNY Stony Brook)
- Scale-up of chemical and biological processes
Steve Yabusaki, Batelle, PNNL
Thursday Morning: Remediation and Recovery / Field-Scale Flows
Chair: Hans Bruining
- Mass transfer phenomena in heterogeneous systems
Casey Miller, University of North Carolina
- Placement of blocking agents in heterogeneous reservoirs
Randy Seright, New Mexico Tech.
- In-well vapor stripping
Steve Gorelick, Stanford University
Thursday Evening: Unsaturated Zone Processes and Multiphase Flow
Chair: Jan Hopmans
- Scale-up of transport properties in multiphase flow
Roland Lenormand, Institut Français du Pétrol
- Scaling of soil hydraulic properties and moisture movement in the vadose zone
Randel Haverkamp, L'Ecole National Supérieure d'Hydraulique et de Méchanique de Grenoble